25 research outputs found

    Layoutautomatisierung im analogen IC-Entwurf mit formalisiertem und nicht-formalisiertem Expertenwissen

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    After more than three decades of electronic design automation, most layouts for analog integrated circuits are still handcrafted in a laborious manual fashion today. Obverse to the highly automated synthesis tools in the digital domain (coping with the quantitative difficulty of packing more and more components onto a single chip – a desire well known as More Moore), analog layout automation struggles with the many diverse and heavily correlated functional requirements that turn the analog design problem into a More than Moore challenge. Facing this qualitative complexity, seasoned layout engineers rely on their comprehensive expert knowledge to consider all design constraints that uncompromisingly need to be satisfied. This usually involves both formally specified and nonformally communicated pieces of expert knowledge, which entails an explicit and implicit consideration of design constraints, respectively. Existing automation approaches can be basically divided into optimization algorithms (where constraint consideration occurs explicitly) and procedural generators (where constraints can only be taken into account implicitly). As investigated in this thesis, these two automation strategies follow two fundamentally different paradigms denoted as top-down automation and bottom-up automation. The major trait of top-down automation is that it requires a thorough formalization of the problem to enable a self-intelligent solution finding, whereas a bottom-up automatism –controlled by parameters– merely reproduces solutions that have been preconceived by a layout expert in advance. Since the strengths of one paradigm may compensate the weaknesses of the other, it is assumed that a combination of both paradigms –called bottom-up meets top-down– has much more potential to tackle the analog design problem in its entirety than either optimization-based or generator-based approaches alone. Against this background, the thesis at hand presents Self-organized Wiring and Arrangement of Responsive Modules (SWARM), an interdisciplinary methodology addressing the design problem with a decentralized multi-agent system. Its basic principle, similar to the roundup of a sheep herd, is to let responsive mobile layout modules (implemented as context-aware procedural generators) interact with each other inside a user-defined layout zone. Each module is allowed to autonomously move, rotate and deform itself, while a supervising control organ successively tightens the layout zone to steer the interaction towards increasingly compact (and constraint compliant) layout arrangements. Considering various principles of self-organization and incorporating ideas from existing decentralized systems, SWARM is able to evoke the phenomenon of emergence: although each module only has a limited viewpoint and selfishly pursues its personal objectives, remarkable overall solutions can emerge on the global scale. Several examples exhibit this emergent behavior in SWARM, and it is particularly interesting that even optimal solutions can arise from the module interaction. Further examples demonstrate SWARM’s suitability for floorplanning purposes and its application to practical place-and-route problems. The latter illustrates how the interacting modules take care of their respective design requirements implicitly (i.e., bottom-up) while simultaneously paying respect to high level constraints (such as the layout outline imposed top-down by the supervising control organ). Experimental results show that SWARM can outperform optimization algorithms and procedural generators both in terms of layout quality and design productivity. From an academic point of view, SWARM’s grand achievement is to tap fertile virgin soil for future works on novel bottom-up meets top-down automatisms. These may one day be the key to close the automation gap in analog layout design.Nach mehr als drei Jahrzehnten Entwurfsautomatisierung werden die meisten Layouts für analoge integrierte Schaltkreise heute immer noch in aufwändiger Handarbeit entworfen. Gegenüber den hochautomatisierten Synthesewerkzeugen im Digitalbereich (die sich mit dem quantitativen Problem auseinandersetzen, mehr und mehr Komponenten auf einem einzelnen Chip unterzubringen – bestens bekannt als More Moore) kämpft die analoge Layoutautomatisierung mit den vielen verschiedenen und stark korrelierten funktionalen Anforderungen, die das analoge Entwurfsproblem zu einer More than Moore Herausforderung machen. Angesichts dieser qualitativen Komplexität bedarf es des umfassenden Expertenwissens erfahrener Layouter um sämtliche Entwurfsconstraints, die zwingend eingehalten werden müssen, zu berücksichtigen. Meist beinhaltet dies formal spezifiziertes als auch nicht-formal übermitteltes Expertenwissen, was eine explizite bzw. implizite Constraint Berücksichtigung nach sich zieht. Existierende Automatisierungsansätze können grundsätzlich unterteilt werden in Optimierungsalgorithmen (wo die Constraint Berücksichtigung explizit erfolgt) und prozedurale Generatoren (die Constraints nur implizit berücksichtigen können). Wie in dieser Arbeit eruiert wird, folgen diese beiden Automatisierungsstrategien zwei grundlegend unterschiedlichen Paradigmen, bezeichnet als top-down Automatisierung und bottom-up Automatisierung. Wesentliches Merkmal der top-down Automatisierung ist die Notwendigkeit einer umfassenden Problemformalisierung um eine eigenintelligente Lösungsfindung zu ermöglichen, während ein bottom-up Automatismus –parametergesteuert– lediglich Lösungen reproduziert, die vorab von einem Layoutexperten vorgedacht wurden. Da die Stärken des einen Paradigmas die Schwächen des anderen ausgleichen können, ist anzunehmen, dass eine Kombination beider Paradigmen –genannt bottom-up meets top down– weitaus mehr Potenzial hat, das analoge Entwurfsproblem in seiner Gesamtheit zu lösen als optimierungsbasierte oder generatorbasierte Ansätze für sich allein. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt die vorliegende Arbeit Self-organized Wiring and Arrangement of Responsive Modules (SWARM) vor, eine interdisziplinäre Methodik, die das Entwurfsproblem mit einem dezentralisierten Multi-Agenten-System angeht. Das Grundprinzip besteht darin, ähnlich dem Zusammentreiben einer Schafherde, reaktionsfähige mobile Layoutmodule (realisiert als kontextbewusste prozedurale Generatoren) in einer benutzerdefinierten Layoutzone interagieren zu lassen. Jedes Modul darf sich selbständig bewegen, drehen und verformen, wobei ein übergeordnetes Kontrollorgan die Zone schrittweise verkleinert, um die Interaktion auf zunehmend kompakte (und constraintkonforme) Layoutanordnungen hinzulenken. Durch die Berücksichtigung diverser Selbstorganisationsgrundsätze und die Einarbeitung von Ideen bestehender dezentralisierter Systeme ist SWARM in der Lage, das Phänomen der Emergenz hervorzurufen: obwohl jedes Modul nur eine begrenzte Sichtweise hat und egoistisch seine eigenen Ziele verfolgt, können sich auf globaler Ebene bemerkenswerte Gesamtlösungen herausbilden. Mehrere Beispiele veranschaulichen dieses emergente Verhalten in SWARM, wobei besonders interessant ist, dass sogar optimale Lösungen aus der Modulinteraktion entstehen können. Weitere Beispiele demonstrieren SWARMs Eignung zwecks Floorplanning sowie die Anwendung auf praktische Place-and-Route Probleme. Letzteres verdeutlicht, wie die interagierenden Module ihre jeweiligen Entwurfsanforderungen implizit (also: bottom-up) beachten, während sie gleichzeitig High-Level-Constraints berücksichtigen (z.B. die Layoutkontur, die top-down vom übergeordneten Kontrollorgan auferlegt wird). Experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Optimierungsalgorithmen und prozedurale Generatoren von SWARM sowohl bezüglich Layoutqualität als auch Entwurfsproduktivität übertroffen werden können. Aus akademischer Sicht besteht SWARMs große Errungenschaft in der Erschließung fruchtbaren Neulands für zukünftige Arbeiten an neuartigen bottom-up meets top-down Automatismen. Diese könnten eines Tages der Schlüssel sein, um die Automatisierungslücke im analogen Layoutentwurf zu schließen

    Parametrisierte Layout-Module im analogen IC-Entwurf

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    Ein praktikables Mittel zur Erhöhung des Automatisierungsgrads im analogen IC-Entwurf ist die Verwendung parametrisierter Zellen. Diese sogenannten pCells werden eingesetzt, um determinierte Layouts automatisch zu erzeugen, und zwar in der Regel für einzelne Bauelemente wie Transistoren oder Dioden. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt die Potenziale eines erweiterten pCell-Konzepts, mit dem determinierte Layouts als auch Schaltpläne für ganze Schaltungsmodule automatisch generiert werden können. Als Beispiel wird eine solche Modul-pCell für analoge Stromspiegel beschrieben, die nicht nur die Dimensionierung der Einzeltransistoren, sondern auch verschiedene Transistortypen, beliebige Spiegelverhältnisse und sogar mehrere Topologien sowie weitere Freiheitsgrade implementiert. Das dadurch erzielte Maß an Flexibilität erlaubt es, die zahlreichen schaltungstechnischen Varianten im Analogbereich abzudecken, die ansonsten oftmals Hürden für Automatisierungsansätze darstellen

    Laser-based techniques: Novel tools for the identification and characterization of aged microplastics with developed biofilm

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    Microplastics found in the environment are often covered with a biofilm, which makes their analysis difficult. Therefore, the biofilm is usually removed before analysis, which may affect the microplastic particles or lead to their loss during the procedure. In this work, we used laser-based analytical techniques and evaluated their performance in detecting, characterizing, and classifying pristine and aged microplastics with a developed biofilm. Five types of microplastics from different polymers were selected (polyamide, polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polypropylene, and polyvinyl chloride) and aged under controlled conditions in freshwater and wastewater. The development of biofilm and the changes in the properties of the microplastic were evaluated. The pristine and aged microplastics were characterized by standard methods (e.g., optical and scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy), and then laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) were used. The results show that LIBS could identify different types of plastics regardless of the ageing and major biotic elements of the biofilm layer. LA-ICP-MS showed a high sensitivity to metals, which can be used as markers for various plastics. In addition, LA-ICP-MS can be employed in studies to monitor the adsorption and desorption (leaching) of metals during the ageing of microplastics. The use of these laser-based analytical techniques was found to be beneficial in the study of environmentally relevant microplastics

    SWARM: a self-organization approach for layout automation in analog IC design

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    Optimization-based analog layout automation does not yet find evident acceptance in the industry due to the complexity of the design problem. This paper presents a Self-organized Wiring and Arrangement of Responsive Modules (SWARM), able to consider crucial design constraints both implicitly and explicitly. The flexibility of algorithmic methods and the expert knowledge captured in PCells combine into a flow of supervised module interaction. This novel approach targets the creation of constraint-compliant layout blocks which fit into a specified zone. Provoking a synergetic self-organization, even optimal layout solutions can emerge from the interaction. Various examples depict the power of that new concept and the potential for future developments

    CAPABLE : a layout automation framework for analog IC design

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    In practice, the use of layout PCells for analog IC design has not advanced beyond primitive devices and simple modules. This paper introduces a Constraint-Administered PCell-Applying Blocklevel Layout Engine (CAPABLE) which permits PCells to access their context, thus enabling a true "bottom-up" development of complex parameterized modules. These modules are integrated into the design flow with design constraints and applied by an execution cockpit via an automatically built layout script. The practical purpose of CAPABLE is to easily generate full-custom block layouts for given schematic circuits. Perspectively, our results inspire a whole new conception of PCells that can not only act (on demand), but also react (to environmental changes) and interact (with each other)

    SWARM: a novel methodology for integrated circuit layout automation based on principles of self-organization

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    After more than three decades of electronic design automation, most layouts for analog integrated circuits are still handcrafted in a laborious manual fashion today. This book presents Self-organized Wiring and Arrangement of Responsive Modules (SWARM), a novel interdisciplinary methodology addressing the design problem with a decentralized multi-agent system. Its basic approach, similar to the roundup of a sheep herd, is to let autonomous layout modules interact with each other inside a successively tightened layout zone. Considering various principles of self-organization, remarkable overall solutions can result from the individual, local, selfish actions of the modules. Displaying this fascinating phenomenon of emergence, examples demonstrate SWARM’s suitability for floorplanning purposes and its application to practical place-and-route problems. From an academic point of view, SWARM combines the strengths of procedural generators with the assets of optimization algorithms, thus paving the way for a new automation paradigm called bottom-up meets top-down


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    Nenehen hiter razvoj materialov in trendov v pohištveni industriji predstavlja izziv vsem distributerjem materialov v tej panogi. Izbor pravih izdelkov in dobaviteljev je ključnega pomena za uspešnost v panogi. Diplomsko delo je zasnovano kot vodič, kako spraviti ideje na tržišče. Poudarek je na teoretičnih razmišljanjih različnih avtorjev o vseh potrebnih postopkih za pozicioniranje novega izdelka na tržišče. V praktičnem delu je predstavljen postopek pozicioniranja novega segmenta okovja na tržišče, od čiščenja mrtvih zalog, s katerimi smo zagotovili del sredstev za financiranje projekta, komuniciranja s tržiščem prek novičk in katalogov, do končnega rezultata oz. uspešne prodaje.The ongoing rapid development of materials and trends in the furniture industry is a challenge for all distributors of materials in this industry. The selection of the right product and supplier is the key to success in this industry. The thesis is designed as a guide, how ideas are brought to market. The focus of this thesis is on theoretical considerations from different authors, which contains all the necessary procedures for the positioning of a new product on the market. The practical part presents the positioning of a new segment of furniture hardware on the market, starting from the cleaning of dead stock which we provide part of the financing of the project, communication with the market through newsletters and catalogues pending the final outcome - successful sales

    The essential role of procedural approaches in electronic design automation

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    Electronic design automation approaches can roughly be divided into optimizers and procedures. While the former have enabled highly automated synthesis flows for digital integrated circuits, the latter play a vital (but mostly underestimated role) in the analog domain. This paper describes both automation strategies in comparison, identifying two fundamentally different automation paradigms that reflect the two basic design practices known as “top-down” and “bottom-up”. Then, with a focus on the latter, the history of procedural approaches is traced from their early beginnings until today’s evolvements and future prospects to underline their practical importance and to accentuate their scientific value, both in itself and in the overall context of EDA

    Analog layout automation via self-organization: enhancing the novel SWARM approach

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    This paper enhances SWARM, a novel deterministic analog layout automation approach based on the idea of cellular automata. SWARM implements a decentralized interaction model in which responsive layout modules, covering basic circuit types, autonomously move, rotate and deform themselves to let constraint-compliant, compact layout solutions emerge from a synergetic flow of self-organization. With the ability to consider design constraints both implicitly and explicitly, SWARM joins the layout quality of procedural generators with the flexibility of optimization algorithms, combining these two kinds of automation into a “bottom-up meets top-down” flow. The new enhancements are demonstrated in an OTA example, depicting the power of SWARM and its enormous potential for future developments